At Caedmon Primary School, a group of children have been given the opportunity to be part of the Eco Warriors. This group has two representatives from each year, years 1 to 6, who attend a meeting once a half term. In these meetings the children, along with a teacher, discuss ways of improving our school to make it more eco friendly. The children known as the ‘Eco Warriors’ take their role very seriously and understand that we all play a part in the role of making our school more sustainable. The two representatives from each year group feedback suggestions made by their peers and suggest ways of improving our environment.
The Eco Warriors were very active during 2016/17. They raised the profile of their area of work by:
- Introducing class plant
- Designing healthy eating posters
- Discussing ways to save energy in school
- Receiving the Bronze Eco Schools Award
Eco Warriors’ plans for 2017/18 are to achieve the Silver Eco Schools Award by:
- Creating a vegetable patch, where we can grow vegetables throughout the year
- Setting up a greenhouse to grow fruit and vegetables
- Raising the profile of water usage, with regular monitoring of this
- Monitoring recycling throughout the school and reduce the amount of paper being used
- Supporting the local community by litter picking
Caedmon’s Eco Warriors aim to work towards a more eco friendly school.